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I’m Dr. Ryan. I may not be British… but I know how to make money. 

This blog contains the inner workings of my brain, and I am so happy that you made the decision to step in. This blog is a culmination of years of reading books, business experience, grinding it out and investing money. 

I am just a regular dude that was minding my own business when I was bitten by the entrepreneur bug called “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” I graduated college as a Doctor of Pharmacy so I have some working knowledge of signs and symptoms. As a result, I can tell with almost 100% certainty that I am developing a case of Smashing Wealth!

I also know that the same bug is still going around, and that you are suffering with a bad case as well.  I know the exact prescription that you need. You know what!?! I am even going to share my meds with you. Before you take a dose, stop and ask yourself why you are even listening to me. Do I have any credentials? You bet I do!

My street Credibility

I made thousands of dollars selling candy and juice in high school.  Some of the proceeds of the accumulated wealth went into painting one of my first cars with “Candy Paint.”

Yours truly became licensed to sell real estate and life insurance before I was allowed to drink.

I paid off $200,000+ of dead weight student loans within three years of graduating college because the loans were bullying  me.  Hundreds of dollars a week in interest is no joke! Talk about smashing debt in the face. #SmashingDebt

I wear tailored suits and  keep myself well groomed when out doing business so people take me seriously.

Maybe that’s not what your looking for…. 

I have trained thousands of people to take control of their finances. I am personally cash liquid, debt free, and have the ability to pursue my bliss in life. I have started many different profitable businesses and I am a student of the “personal finance industry.” I am obsessed with building multiple streams of income and sharing my knowledge and experience with all those who wish to hear it.   

If your not impressed yet, your going have to settle for the fact that

I can bench press almost 300 pounds, I have gained more weight on cruises than most people weigh, and I dress up as Captain America at  Comic Con every single year!

“If you move at random, you will get random results.”
Dr. Ryan